About Will

the dapper watch

Hello, and welcome to The Dapper Watch!

If you found yourself here, then odds are you’re a watch aficionado too (or are shopping for a man in your life who may be). Either way, I hope your time on my site is both educational and enjoyable.

My name is Will, I’m in my late 30’s, and I live on the east coast of the U.S. I’m lucky to say that I’m married and have 2 small children that keep me on my toes on a daily basis.

I work as a physical therapist in my day job, working primarily with geriatric patients in the home health setting. Needless to say, starting this watch site was a welcomed change of pace for me.

dapper watchMy interest in watches sparked a few years ago when my wife surprised me with a Tag Heuer Aquaracer for Christmas. This was the first “real” watch I had ever owned and I was blown away.

Not only did I cherish the gift, but it opened my eyes to the world of watches.

The only watch I owned at the time was the Timex I wear every day for work, which comes in super handy (taking vitals, timing functional stuff, etc), but isn’t exactly what I’d call a dapper timepiece.

My watch collection has grown a little since then, nothing too fancy. The Tag is still the star of my small collection, but I think it’s getting about time to add another watch to the mix.

And that’s why I decided to start this site- to share what I learn.

The Dapper Watch is an educational journey for me as I research and learn more about men’s watches. I’m hoping my readers will  also be able to learn and gain valuable info as I do.

In this site, we’ll discuss everything there is to discuss about men’s watches through our guides and informational posts. We’ll also offer “best of” guides as well as individual watch reviews.

I hope this website helps you along your way to finding the right watch to up your dapperness.

If there’s any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a message on any post. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Cheers!
